Also, in the introduction of Benny Greb - The art and science of groove that I talked about in my previous post.

He explains that to get the benefit from that educational DVD, you have to keep in mind the following:

You'll have to do all the exercises. Some parts may sound familiar to you in one way or another and in purpose. I made them easy to understand so you'll quickly be able to get the dangerous feeling of yeah, I know what this is about. But remember: Knowing and not doing is not knowing. So don't get too smart to start. Do it. All of it. Your groove will only be as good as your weakest link.

He makes two very strong points in here.

The first one is that the feeling of yeah, I know what this is about is very dangerous. I felt that way some times and because of it I didn’t give enough attention to the explanation. The outcome of that confirmed that I was being a complete fool. I completely fooled myself by imaginating erroneously what I was supposed to be told. I noticed later that I didn’t know as much as I thought.

The second one is that, even if you think you can skip some practice in a discipline, you should reconsider it and do it anyways. Chances are that you will improve by doing it, no matter what the practice is and the previous experience that you have. Also, any discipline is a combination of skills and if one of them is not developed enough the overall performance will suffer. Imagine a software developer who cannot interact with clients. No matter how good he is at software, he will not be perceived as a good professional.