Currently I’m thinking about a dilemma in different ways to test Clojure code.

If we assume that functional code is based on composing another functions, how do I test the composition without testing the composed pieces again?

In object oriented we avoid that by injecting the collaborators and replacing them for test doubles. And there is a reason for that: Joe B. Rainsberger explains it better than me.

But shall I avoid that in functional? Let’s put an example. Let’s say I have two functions that check against a tic-tac-toe board: full? and has-winner?. Their tests are:

(describe "full?"
          (it "is false when there is one empty space"
              (should= false
                       (full? [:o :x :o
                               :x :x :o
                               :x :o :empty])))

          (it "is false when there are two empty spaces"
              (should= false
                       (full? [:o     :x :o
                               :x     :x :empty
                               :empty :o :x])))

          (it "is true when there is no empty space"
              (should= true
                       (full? [:o :x :o
                               :x :x :o
                               :x :o :x]))))

(describe "has-winner?"
          (it "is false in a board with no marks"
              (should= false
                       (has-winner? [:empty :empty :empty
                                     :empty :empty :empty
                                     :empty :empty :empty])))

          (it "is true in a board with the first horizontal line occupied by x"
              (should= true
                       (has-winner? [:x     :x     :x
                                     :empty :empty :empty
                                     :empty :empty :empty])))

          (it "is o in a board with the third vertical line occupied by o"
              (should= true
                       (has-winner? [:empty :empty :o
                                     :empty :empty :o
                                     :empty :empty :o])))

          ;More tests ommited: each line that makes a player win and its edge cases

And now let’s implement the finished? function. The implementation of which should be similar to:

(defn finished? [board]
  (or (full? board) (has-winner? board)))

How would you test that?

  • Would you find a way to stub the collaborators (full? and has-winner?)? Wouldn’t that be over-complicated for such a simple function?
  • Would you put much less examples? How do you make sure the correct implementation is in place?
  • Would you repeat all the same input examples that have been used in full? and has-winner? again? Isn’t that duplication?
  • Would you move all the tests examples from full? and has-winner? to finished? and remove the tests for full? and has-winner? (Because they are utility functions). Wouldn’t that be a lot of tests with different behaviors for only one function?